Looking for a professional genealogist that can help you find those relatives that are missing from your family tree? Look no further than genealogysupport.com. Genealogysupport.com offers in-depth professional genealogical research services. We understand that finding lost ancestors in your family tree can be daunting, so let our team of the best genealogists help you add to your family tree. Interested in knowing what a genealogist costs? A lot of professional genealogist fees can be costly in today's market, when compared to the actual research done. With genealogysupport.com our genealogist research fees, coupled with our certified and credentialed genealogists, will give you the help you need to add to your family tree and not spend a fortune doing so. Partnering with Genealogy Support for your genealogy research needs will save you time and money, while bringing your family history to life. That’s why we like to say, "We discovery, you enjoy!" Call or email us today for a free professional genealogists consultation.
Kelly Summers is an Accredited Genealogist®. She received her associate degree in Professional Genealogy and her bachelor’s degree in Family and Community History from Brigham Young University (BYU). She has a master’s degree in Instructional Design and Educational Technology from the University of Utah. Kelly has three premier genealogical credentials through the International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists (ICAPGen), demonstrating genealogical research expertise in U.S. Midwestern, U.S. Pacific, and Spain. Kelly is also an experienced researcher in Latin America (including Brazil), Southwestern Europe (Spain, Portugal, Italy & France) & Scandinavian countries. She currently serves as the Testing Committee Chair for ICAPGen.
Kelly designs curriculum and teaches university level courses at BYU, and online
courses for BYU Independent Study and Salt Lake Community College. She has
taught on a variety of genealogical topics at numerous local, regional and national
conferences. Kelly is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) and a lifetime member of the Utah Genealogical Association (UGA).
Arturo ceullar
Arturo Cuellar is a professional genealogical researcher and lecturer with 26 years
of research experience. He works in the Family History Library in Salt Lake City,
Utah as a Latin America Research Specialist. He is a member of the Utah
Genealogical Association, Association of Professional Genealogists, Hispanic
Organization for Genealogical Research of Dallas, Texas, National Genealogical
Society, and the Genealogical Society of Hispanic America. Currently he is the
representative of the Historical and Genealogical Society of Mexico in the Federation of Genealogical Societies. He is an Accredited Genealogist® (AG) specializing in Mexico. Arturo has a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and a master’s degree in Latin America Studies. Currently, he is working towards a bachelor's degree in Family History, and a second AG specializing in South America. He has done research in more than twenty Latin America archives and record repositories.
Roger obtained his Master of Library Science degree from Brigham Young University (BYU), with a minor in Family History. He was on the staff of the
Genealogical Society of Utah from 1970–1980, the BYU Library from 1980–1991,
and retired from Dynix Library Systems, Provo, Utah in 2003. He was a founding
member of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) and the first editor of the APG Newsletter. Roger contributed a chapter on family history resources in the Family History Library to Ethnic Genealogy, by Jessie Carney Smith, and has
published articles to the Utah Genealogical Society’s Genealogical Journal (now
Crossroads), the National Genealogical Society Quarterly, and several regional
genealogy periodicals. He has been a presenter at BYU Family History and
Genealogical Research seminars. His primary research interests are southern states and African-American research, LDS Church history of the Kirtland and Nauvoo periods, U.S. government documents, and newspapers. A resident of Orem, Utah, Roger and his wife Sharon have four daughters, scattered from Florida to California.
Nanette’s interest in family history began as a child through the stories told to her
by her parents and grandparents. Serious research began after the passing of her
first husband and raising seven children. In 2009 she obtained a degree in Family
History and Genealogy from Brigham Young University and has researched
professionally since then. She delights in understanding where we came from and
discovering the correct ancestry with accompanying stories. While her expertise is
mainly in the Mid-Atlantic States, Nanette has been successful researching in other
areas of the United States and Canada, as well as Wales, England, and Hungary.
Mckenna has always loved history, culture, and learning about the past, which has
made family history a perfect fit. This led her to study anthropology and ultimately
genealogy at Brigham Young University, putting those skills into practice on the
Nauvoo Community Project and as an intern at the Family History Library in Salt
Lake City, Utah. She specializes in Czech and Slovak research, and particularly enjoys the chance to use her language skills to help others find their family. She excels at thorough, meticulous research and translation and loves the challenge of piecing together each family's unique story.
Chelsea is a devoted mother with a love of genealogy. Her passion for family history was ignited during her first semester at Brigham Young University-Idaho. For the past nine years she has continued to expand her knowledge and skills by attending classes and conferences. She loves to help others discover their ancestors. Chelsea specializes in French-Canadian, LDS, and Midwestern States research. She is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, National Genealogical Society, and Utah Genealogical Society. Chelsea is currently working on her certification and accreditation.
Maria is a dedicated professional genealogist who was bitten by the bug at the age of 21. With 40 years of research experience, she has worked on various projects
including a great amount of investigation for the TV genealogy documentary series
“Who Do You Think You Are,” featuring celebrities. She has researched lines up to
11 generations in French Canadian records. However, her research is mostly
concentrated in the Spanish language areas of Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Spain,
and she is experienced in the areas of New England, Mayflower and Midwest, and
African American.
Her interest in many cultures and languages may have sprung from having a mother who only spoke Spanish, a father who spoke 5 languages, and residing in a Polish neighborhood in Lorain, Ohio. Maria is the proud mother of four children and
grandmother to six, most of who have expressed a delight in the research provided
to them from their long family lines. She currently resides in Salt Lake City, Utah.