Looking for a professional genealogist that can help you find those relatives that are missing from your family tree? Look no further than genealogysupport.com. Genealogysupport.com offers in-depth professional genealogical research services. We understand that finding lost ancestors in your family tree can be daunting, so let our team of the best genealogists help you add to your family tree. Interested in knowing what a genealogist costs? A lot of professional genealogist fees can be costly in today's market, when compared to the actual research done. With genealogysupport.com our genealogist research fees, coupled with our certified and credentialed genealogists, will give you the help you need to add to your family tree and not spend a fortune doing so. Partnering with Genealogy Support for your genealogy research needs will save you time and money, while bringing your family history to life. That’s why we like to say, "We discovery, you enjoy!" Call or email us today for a free professional genealogists consultation.

Ben Beeson


Genealogy Support, LLC


Ben grew up spending many hours in a public library where his father was the director. Because of this, Ben considers it a good day when he is researching his ancestors within the walls of a library. Ben specializes in Southern and Midwestern research in the United States. He has a passion for helping others discover their family history.


Ben founded Genealogy Support with the intent of joining professional researchers with cutting-edge technology to produce research results that are superior to what the industry is currently producing. Ben is fond of saying, “It’s time we take genealogical research into the 21st century.” Ben is considered a visionary in the genealogical and family history industry.


Ben holds a degree in Family History—Genealogy from Brigham Young University, and a JD from the J. Reuben Clark School of Law. Ben is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists.